Yo, I'mma be honest. Quarantine sucks.
Being forcibly separated from your community for an elongated period of time ain't fun. This year of COVID hasn't been easy...but there's hope in it. There's hope that the hard things we've had to deal with will not be in vain and that we can salvage some beauty out of this brokenness.
If I'm gonna be honest. Jesus is that hope.
Before you leave this post and do a TikTok hear me out. John 3:16 says...you know it. It's because God so loved the world that he gave, so before you let people convince you God's forgotten about us and we're suffering in this world for no reason. Remember the God of the universe only gives good gifts, and what if there's a lesson (gift) in this season that we're missing?
Honestly, I know this isn't a feel good post. But honestly, I believe it's a necessary one. Can I encourage you to take a breath and embrace a different perspective on things? That there may be hope in the hard things of 2020? Doing so may surprise you.